PROJECT: Holcim Cement, US
LOCATION: Ste. Genevieve, MO
Design/Build site development for the largest cement plant in the Northern Hemisphere.
Involved over 2.3 million cubic yards of rock excavation for the plant site, 1.8 million cubic yards of earth excavation to construct one of the largest slack water harbors on the banks of the Mississippi River lined with rip rap up to 12 feet thick. Additional project details included, mooring cells and a sheet pile bulk head for future barge unloading, 570,000 cubic yards of material to construct a 150' tall dam, and 46 acres of Wetland Mitigation.
Of the 1.8 million cubic yards of earth excavation, 800,000 cubic yard of this material was excavated "dry" or conventionally with two large excavators loading 40-ton articulated trucks. This material was hauled to a site adjacent to the harbor as proposed by Bloomsdale Excavating; this value-engineering alternative considerably shortened the haul distance and provided Holcim with a large laydown area during the construction of the plant.
Site quantities included:
• 2.3 million cy of rock excavation•1.8 million cy of earth excavation
• Line Mississippi River with 12' thick rip rap•Install mooring cells
• 570,000 cy of dredged material to construct 150' talldam
• 46 acres of wetland mitigation