All Projects | Bloomsdale Excavating Company Inc.


Corps of Engineers

West Basin Scour Levee Repairs Phases I & IV
Project: West Basin Scour Levee Repairs Phases I & IV Location: Cape Girardeau & Bollinger Counties in Missouri Project Background & Description The entire project called for the repair of ten total scour sites that have developed along the right descending bank (RDB) of the Castor River Headwater Diversion Channel. Due to large flows and high velocities typical after rain events, head cutting had given rise to major scour problems along the banks of the Diversion Channel. Due to the proximity of the levee to the RDB, the scour problems had the ...

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Excavating contractor in Missouri, Corps of Engineers Excavating Company, St. Louis Excavation Company
Old Greenville Bank Stabilization
Project: Old Greenville Bank Stabilization Location: Wappapello Lake, Wayne County MO Project Background & Description Lake Wappapello is a reservoir on the St. Francis River, formed by Wappapello Dam. Created in 1941, this 8,400-acre lake is located 120 miles south of St. Louis, Missouri. The reservoir lies mostly in Wayne County, but its southernmost reaches extend into northern Butler County, both in Missouri. As part of a four-phase project, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) contracted with a general contractor to provide bank stabilization o...

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Excavation Contractor, Missouri Excavating Contractor, Excavating contractor in Missouri, Corps of Engineers Excavating Company, Excavation & Grading Company in Missouri, St. Louis Excavation Company, Site Utilities Contractor in Missouri, Government Excavation Contractor
Levee Reach 1B
Project: Levee Reach 1B Location: St. Charles Parish, Louisiana Project Background & Description Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc. was awarded a contract with in the state of Louisiana to raise a portion of the existing St. Charles Parish Levee. In order to meet contract requirements 8,900 feet of existing levee needed to be raised from the current elevation of 10 feet to 16 feet above sea level. The project scope included clearing and grubbing of the site, demolition of the existing culverts, excavation and concrete scour protection. Blooms...

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Bloomsdale Excavating
E-40 Levee Enlargement
Project: E-40 Levee Enlargement Location: Iberville Parish, Louisiana Project Background & Description Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc. worked to enlarge the levee inside Atchafalaya Basin in Louisiana. The basin is the largest swamp in the United States. The project included raising four miles of the existing levee by two to three feet and the establishment and maintenance of a new access road and turf. Three borrow pits within the swamp were cleared, grubbed and  excavated to gather enough material for the project. Due to the high moisture c...

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Corps of Engineers Excavating Company
Fort Leonard Wood Permanent Party Barracks Phases 1 & 2
Project: Fort Leonard Wood Permanent Party Barracks Phases 1 & 2 Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO Project Background & Description Bloomsdale Excavating’s scope of work included: Clearing and grubbing, site grading, erosion control and utility extensions Project Summary Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc., along with the General Contractor, Civil Engineer, and other design disciplines, were hired to work together in the development, design and construction of the site, building, utilities and landscaping elements.  The first and se...

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Site Development Contractor in Missouri, Government Excavation Contractor
Fort Leonard Wood Permanent Party Barracks Phase Three
Project: Fort Leonard Wood Permanent Party Barracks Phase III Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO Project Background & Description Bloomsdale Excavating’s scope of work included: Clearing and grubbing, site grading, erosion control and utility extensions Project Summary Bloomsdale Excavating Company, Inc., along with the General Contractor and other design & engineering disciplines, were hired to work together in the development, design and construction of the site, building, utilities and landscaping elements.  The third phase of the FLW ...

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Excavating contractor in Missouri
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